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  • 姓名: 丁兴
  • 性别: 男
  • 职务: 
  • 职称: 副研究员
  • 学历: 博士
  • 通讯地址: 广州市天河区科华街511号
  • 电话: 020-85290932
  • 邮政编码: 510640
  • 传真: 020-85291510
  • 电子邮件: xding@gig.ac.cn
  • 1. 实验地球化学Experimental geochemistry:水-岩相互作用;高温高压条件下成矿金属元素络合物的稳定性;硅酸盐体系的热扩散


    2. 元素和同位素地球化学Element and isotope geochemistry:岩浆-热液过程中元素的活动性;成矿元素的活化-迁移-沉淀过程及机制


    3. 高温高压设备的研制和功能开发Developments on the HTHP equipment and technique


    4. 科技考古Archaeology based on element and isotope geochemistry

  •         2002年毕业于中国地质大学(武汉)地球科学学院地质学专业,获得理科学士学位;2005年于南京大学地球科学系获得矿物学、岩石学和矿床学专业硕士学位;随后进入中国科学院广州地球化学研究所地球化学专业攻读博士学位,2009年留所工作至今。先后在美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校、夏威夷大学曼诺阿分校进行交流访问。工作以来,以第一责任人重建并发展了高温高压水热实验室。现阶段实验室拥有较为齐备的传统水热装置(莫雷式、法兰式、冷封式、快速淬火、摇摆式)和新型的Quickpress活塞圆筒、热液金刚石压腔、毛细硅管等装置,以及双光束紫外可见光分光光度计、pH计、Witech高分辨率共聚焦激光拉曼等分析测试仪器。目前研究工作主要围绕地质自然样品及高温高压实验样品来研究元素的活动性和同位素分馏机制,从而探讨造岩成矿的关键性科学问题。已负责承担国家自然科学基金3项、中科院先导专项子课题1项、广东省重大项目子课题1项及国家重点实验室基金2项;并参与国家基金创新群体项目/重大项目/重点项目、科技部973项目、国家重大研发计划等项目8项。已发表学术论文90余篇,第一/通讯作者SCI论文22篇,SCI论文引用3500余次;已申请中国专利22项、国际专利2项,已获授权发明专利4项、实用新型专利13项。


  • 1.  Zhang, Y., Han, R.S., Ding, X.*, Wang, Y.R., Wei, P.T. 2019. Experimental study on fluid migration mechanism related to Pb-Zn super-enrichment: Implications to mineralization mechanisms of the Pb-Zn deposits in the Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou, SW China. Ore Geology Reviews, 114, 103110. doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2019.103110.


    2.  Sun, S.J., Yang, X.Y., Wang, G.J., Sun, W.D., Zhang, H., Li, C.Y., Ding, X.* 2019. In-situ elemental and Sr-O isotopic studies on apatite from the Xu-Huai intrusion at the southern margin of the North China Craton: Implications for petrogenesis and metallogeny. Chemical Geology, 510: 200-214, doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2019.02.010.


    3.  Ding, X., Harlov, D. E., Chen, B., Sun, W. D. 2018. Fluids, Metals, and Mineral/Ore Deposits. Geofluids, doi:10.1155/2018/1452409.


    4.  Ding, X., He, J.J., Liu, Z.Y. 2018. Experimental studies on crystal growth of anatase under hydrothermal conditions. Earth Science, 43(5): 1763-1772.


    5.  Wang, M., Zhu, T.Q., Ding, X.*, Hui, Z.L., Wu, F., Liu, C.J., Sun, W.D. 2018. Composition comparison of Zhejiang Longquan celadon and its imitation in Dapu kiln of Guangdong in the Ming Dynasty of China (1368-1644AD) by LA-ICPMS. Ceramics International, 44: 1785-1796.


    6.  Wu, K., Ding, X.*, Ling, M.X., Sun, W.D., Zhang, L.P., Hu, Y.B., Huang, R.F. 2018. Origins of two types of serpentinites from the Qinling orogenic belt and associated fluid/melt-rock interactions. Lithos, 302-303: 50-64.


    7.  Javanmard, S.R., Tahmasbi, Z., Ding, X.*, Khalaji, A.A., Hetherington, C.J. 2018. Geochemistry of garnet in pegmatites from the Boroujerd intrusive complex, Sanandaj-Sirjan zone, western Iran: implications for the origin of pegmatite melts. Mineralogy and Petrology, DOI:10.1007/s00710-018-0591-x.


    8.  Chen, C., Ding, X.*, Li, R., Zhang, W.Q., Ouyang, D.J., Yang, L., Sun, W.D. 2018. Crystal fractionation of granitic magma during its non-transport processes: A physics-based perspective. Science China Earth Sciences, 61(2):190-204.


    9.  Huang, R.F., Song, M.S., Ding, X., Zhu, S.Y., Zhan, W.H., Sun, W.D. 2017. Influence of pyroxene and spinel on the kinetics of peridotite serpentinization. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. doi: 10.1002/2017JB014231.


    10. He, J.J., Ding, X.*, Wang, Y.R., Sun, W.D., Fu, B. 2015. The effect of temperature and concentration on hydrolysis of Fluorine-rich titanium complexes in hydrothermal fluids: constraints on titanium mobility in deep geological processes. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 31(3), 802-810.



  •  1.  广东省基础与应用基础研究重大项目“广东省稀土资源与环境风险”子课题“花岗质岩浆-热液条件下稀土元素的地球化学行为”(2019B030302013),2019.09-2024.08,子课题负责人;
    2.  国家自然科学基金面上项目:高场强元素氟酸基络合物的热液水解及沉淀物的晶体生长(41773054),2018.01-2021.12,项目负责人;